Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Year New Blog



Every new year brings with it the hope of making one's life better. "This year things will be different", "This year I am going to make things happen" or "this is going to be my year" are the phrases most commonly heard just before the clock strikes 12 and the old year gives way to a new one full of promise.

Whether we like to admit it or not, most of us do draw up a list of resolutions at the start of the new year. A list of promises made to oneself in order to add value to our existence; to make life easier, better, happier. After all, a new year is like a new start; a chance to improve, to re-invent and to rejuvenate.

Sadly once the euphoria of new years eve wears away, so does our resolve to fulfill each of our commitments. Going to the gym or planning that trip to some exotic locale gives way to our work/home schedules and before you know it its the approaching the end of the year again and you havent accomplished any of the goals you set for yourself!

I am one of those people who always has a long list of resolutions and unfortunately an even longer list of un-accomplished ones! So for this year I resolve to document all my resolutions and my journey in accomplishing them on a public forum so that I can share the experiences I go through and also be held accountable by my readers.

That is how fabyummychic came about. This is my way of sharing my opinions and ideas on all guessed it...fabulous, yummy & chic.

I choose this title because it allows me to express my self on the topics I love and eating delicious food, dressing well and observing great style, travelling, meeting new people, staying healthy... all the things that make for a fabulous, happy life!

So even though its February, it's better to start late rather than never starting at all! Anything is better than looking back over the past year with dismay and disappointment!

With that thought in mind, I resolve to post regularly and to enthrall my readers with all the gory details of my journey to complete all my resolutions for 2013 and beyond! depending on how well this goes!

I hope you all enjoy my posts as much as I am sure I will enjoy writing them. 


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